The Journey of the Italian King of Anime Tattoos; Davide Set
Davide Set is one of the world’s top anime tattoo artists, but his journey wasn’t easy. He gave up his bed for a couch and sold his Vespa to turn his bedroom into a studio. That drive took him from a small Italian town to winning awards at Anime Ink, the world’s top anime tattoo convention.
Davide Set is one of the best anime tattoo artists on the planet, but his journey getting there was far from easy. Without a place to tattoo early in his career, Davide traded in his bed in for a couch, and sold his Vespa (popular italian motorbike) to scrounge enough money together to turn his bedroom into a tattoo studio. That unending drive to reach his goals is the same ambition that took him from a small town in Italy barely scraping by, to a world recognized anime tattoo artist who has won awards at the worlds most prestigious anime tattoo convention: Anime Ink.
We had a chance to catch up with Davide and get a glimpse into his journey from his point of view.
What was your childhood experience like with anime?
I’ve always loved watching anime on TV. I remember the very first one I ever watched was Sailor Moon 😂 Then the national TV brought in the big three: One Piece, Dragon Ball, and Naruto. These shows took me by the hand and guided me into this amazing world.
What was your childhood experience like with tattoos?
I’ve always liked tattoos since I was a kid! I remember my dad had a small rose on his hand, near his thumb (which looks awful to me now 😂) but back then, it fascinated me. That’s when I started imagining tattoos on my own skin, using the temporary ones that came as surprises in chip bags and when I’ve been started drawing (especially anime characters).

Tell us about first anime tattoo you ever created. What inspired you to start this journey?
If I remember correctly, the very first anime tattoo I did was Corazon from One Piece. At that time, I was starting to change my style and wanted to move from neo traditional to exclusively anime, even though it wasn’t very common, especially in Italy. But I felt like I wanted to do it because I was no longer inspired, and anime and manga had always helped me in that regard. So, I thought I could blend the two styles at first to ease the transition from neo traditional without dropping it suddenly. I incorporated Corazon’s face into a sacred heart, with flames drawn in the typical Japanese style. Looking back, it was the best way to start this journey.
What has been your biggest trial / challenge as an artist?
This question is tough because I’m always challenging myself 😂 but, thinking about it, I’m sure I’ve faced two really big ones challenges: the first was starting out, not giving up, and proving to myself and others that I could become a great tattoo artist; the second was proving to myself that I was capable of moving to America and joining a scene full of incredibly talented anime tattoo artists, the best in the world, and making a name for myself. For being here just nine months, I think I’m doing pretty well, not in the way I like to, but it’s fine. I know I’m not in beast mode yet, but moving to the other side of the world was more stressful than I expected 😂.

Have you ever faced financial challenges as an artist, and if so how did you manage them?
When I decided to do only tattoos, I knew I would face a tough financial period. I didn’t have much money, and what I had, I invested in what I wanted to do. But if I have any virtues, they are humility and pragmatism. I remember selling my Vespa (it was my mom’s from the 80s) to get some extra money to turn my room into a small private studio at home. I even got rid of my bed and got a couch (which became my new bed). Everything I earned, I tried to save and only used what was necessary to buy needles and ink. I sacrificed a lot of my life, but when I look at where I am now, I don’t have a single regret.
How did overcoming these challenges shape you as an artist and as a person?
Over the years, I’ve come to understand that what motivated me more than anything else was Ambition. Talent exists, practice exists, but without ambition, you can’t go far. Ambition is both a blessing and a curse for ourselves; you have to learn how to live with it because it brings ego all along with. But if they become your friends, you can achieve everything. You become invincible.

Why did you never give up?
As I said before.. I’ve ambition, I’ve ego, I feel like I’m cursed by these two, but I’m also a humble person.. and 100% sure, I’m not such weak to give up.
What was your biggest breakthrough project, and what did it mean for you?
I think the biggest thing was deciding to move from Italy, where I was born and raised, to here in America, currently in Atlanta, Georgia. I know I left my friends and family, but I happily abandoned a lifestyle, a mindset, and a country that didn’t give me the slightest chance to shine and fly high. The only flight I took was the one to leave the country 😂. As I’ve mentioned before, this for me is the beginning of a new challenge as well as a new life, and I’m excited about it!

What has been your proudest moment as an anime tattoo artist so far?
What makes me proudest is knowing that here in America, I’ve found artist friends with immense talent, and we always share compliments and good vibes, especially when we meet at conventions or during guest spots. It makes me proud to have so many friends and acquaintances around the world, some of whom I know would do anything for me and vice versa, even if we haven’t met in person yet. The bond we have is strong
What are your future goals and aspirations for your future?
I have a strong aspiration, but I don’t want to say anything because I’m superstitious 😂. Definitely, I want to continuously improve to become a prominent figure in the world of anime tattoos in the United States and globally. I don’t know how long it will take, but I know it depends on me and now I’m in the land of great opportunities..for all I know, it could just take a year! Last but not least, I would definitely like to become an American citizen with a green card and passport, but I know that takes more time and isn’t up to me 😂 probably in a future I see my own shop, but I don’t where and when.

What is the greatest gift you've ever received?
Greatest gift is discover what the ONE PIECE IS! 😂 joking aside.. Everything I have, I’ve earned it or paid for it.. the only real gift is my wife Nina:) sometimes I look not emotional but imma romantic guy, I’m still an Italian after all
Is there anything about your journey that people usually find interesting or crazy?
Well, moving from a small town near Milan to Atlanta is definitely always shocking for people. Really? Why? How do you find it? Is it very different? These are all the most common questions. Surely, the fact of speaking three languages sometimes surprise

Davide's Artist Spotlight Video
Want to watch Davide's artist spotlight video? Click here!
Book with Davide
Davide tattoos out of a private studio in Atlanta, Georgia. Click here to go to his booking website!